
Chapter One: Rain on the Window Pane

"It takes a long time to grow an old friend." -John Leonard . . . . I was heating up some dinner standing in between the kitchen and the bathroom when I heard it. It started drizzling. I directed my attention from the microwave counting down to zero to the moist window just across the room. It seemed like small fingers were tapping on it. Soon, it became rain. It trickled on the window to the pane which had a semi-harsh crack. I should really get that fixed. But then again, I should really get a lot of things here fixed. Including myself. I'll replace the window soon. As the rain continued on and my dinner (which was yesterday's Chinese takeout leftovers) had finally finished its time on the microwave, I couldn't help but smile. I slid my glasses back up to my nose bridge and took another look. The rain always made me smile. But not as often now as it used to. And definitely not as big a smile from way back then. I slumped on my couch with unma...
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